Some of our Territory
Oceanclan is by a forest and is the nearest one to the Ocean. That's why Oceanstar ( Many leaders before me ) named it Oceanclan. We have 3 other clans ( Sunclan Silverclan and Clawclan ) and we always are trying to look out for each others back. Here in Oceanclan we catch fish, rabbits, mice, voles and thats about it. We do sometimes encounter badger attacks but rarely fire because we live by the Ocean. We sometimes see sharks so we try to not swim when they are out feeding. One of our rules we have is stay away from the seals because they are shark prey. We sometimes try to catch seagulls but they are very difficult. The only cat who has ever caught one is Oceanstar which was YEARS ago. We let the kits play with the giant turtles but only when they are on land. Ages 8 moons and under are not aloud in the Ocean with out Warrior supervision. The only time a turtle attacked was a few years ago when a kit bit the turtle and the kit was thrown in the Ocean so if you have kits always watch them when they ride on turtles. If you have any questions email me at Thanks and Enjoy Oceanclan!